Dr. Rakibul Hasan
Director of Persue Lab.
Associate professor in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence at ASU.
Dr. Rakibul is also affiliated with Cybersecurity and Trusted Foundations and the Human, Artificial Intelligence, and Robot Teaming initiatives.
Email: rhasan3@asu.edu
Syed Zami-Ul-Haque Navid
PhD Researcher
Email: snavid2@asu.edu
Education: PhD at Arizona State University
Research: I am developing an automated pipeline that interacts with Android applications while monitoring their behavior. Our research provides more granular insight than prior works into how apps access and transmit users’ sensitive data. Additionally, we aim to investigate whether apps handle user information differently across various geolocations.
Khalid Alasiri
PhD Researcher
Email: kalasir1@asu.edu
Education: PhD at Arizona State University
Research: I am working to develop proactive cyber defense mechanisms that will dynamically adapt to the attacker’s behaviors and attack strategy.
Sri Harsha Gajavalli
Graduate Researcher
Email: sgajaval@asu.edu
Education: Master at Arizona State University
Easton Kelso
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: eakelso@asu.edu
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Research: I am researching to unveil the privacy and security hurdles within the education technology (edtech) landscape in regards to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The first stretch of research has uncovered the challenges that HEIs face during the acquisition process of these edtechs. Our first study, uncovered the EdTech acquisition process in the HEI context including the consideration of security and privacy issues throughout that process, the pain points of HEI personnel in establishing adequate protection mechanisms in service contracts, and their struggle in holding vendors accountable due to a lack of visibility into their system and power-asymmetry, among other reasons. Continued research involves understanding the differing technologies that faculty use at HEIs that are unsanctioned by their institutions to uncover any privacy and security concerns that are involved.
Junichi Koizumi
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: jkoizum1@asu.edu
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Mrinaal Ramachandran
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: mrinaalr@icloud.com
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Saharsh Goenka
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: sgoenka1@asu.edu
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Adit Prabhu
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: adprabh2@asu.edu
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Asish Panda
Undergraduate Researcher
Email: apanda13@asu.edu
Education: Undergraduate at Arizona State University
Bio and Research interest: I am a Computer Science Junior at Arizona State University, part of the Barrett Honors College and the Grand Challenges Scholar Program. Being passionate about AI, I focus on human-robot interactions, machine learning, and autonomous vehicles. As a National Master in chess, I have honed my strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. Representing my chess team from middle school to now has strengthened my leadership, teamwork, and decision-making abilities under pressure.